Improved Workflows for a Creative Media House

Fathead Productions wants to show off their Portfolio to Creative Professionals and attract new clients.

Tools Used
Figma, Webflow, Notion

4 Months


My Role
UX Research, Product Design

Project Overview

  • No portfolio of Work, and no portfolio of Locations
  • Design System in inconsistent across pages
  • Clarity and Credibility are an issue without a portfolio of work

The Problem

Fathead is eager to attract new Creative and Art Directors in the retail space.

Showing the Work
  • Build a portfolio to showcase their work
Location Scouting
  • Build a portfolio of Locations
Update the User Experience
  • Conduct User Research and present calculated design recommendations

The Ask

How can Fathead Productions scale their business and attract new clients?

building empathy

I interviewed the two owners of Fathead Productions, Vanessa and Sean to understand their brand identity, and I took 5 creative professionals through a usability testing interview to understand what their clients are looking for.


Scaling a business by design.

The sitemap of their original website shows the lack of content, leading users skeptical about what they do. My redesign brought the work front and center to show their potential clients the full extent of their abilities.

Information Architecture

Sitemap Before Redesign

Sitemap Redesigned

  • Information Architecture was a crucial tool in expanding the scope of the website, with two new portfolios of work and locations scouting.
  • Clarity and trust were reinvigorated into the design with examples of work, and simple value propositions.

Key Takeaways

Speaking with 5 people who work in Creative positions in remote monitored Usability Testing gave me helpful insight what their audience needs.

Who is the client?

Key Insights

Clients are looking for a solution to their problem. They want to see the work as soon and easily as possible.
Clients want to feel confident that Fathead has a team who can manage the project.
When it comes to Locations, clients want them to be organized in a way that is easy to navigate, and ask about specific locations.

Meet the User:

Within the Media Production space there are industry best practices for designing thoughtful user flows, and I looked at 6 examples of successful Production Companies.

Competitive Feature Analysis

Key Insights:
  • Have a clear and concise value proposition, or a statement defining what the business offers, to give users clarity instantly
  • Clear Calls to Action help to guide  the user with recognizable terms
  • Clear Visual Hierarchies help to guide the user through information
  • Client Lists helps to give Production Companies credibility
Using Jakob Nielsen's Usability Heuristics to highlight some of the issues users faced on Fathead's old home
  • Some users felt the website lacked consistency across different pages. They also lacked industry standards that creative professionals depended on like client lists.
  • Users were bombarded with text, misaligned objects on a page, and not the right kinds of information.

Heuristic Analysis

  • The website lacks consistency in how it introduces a design system on the homepage
  • Looking at the services page, there existed some aesthetic errors with alignment, and it appears visually as too much with all the text.
  • Creative professionals wanted more clarity around what kinds of production they do, and were confused by the inclusion of Weddings & Events

Key Takeaways

Final Design

New landing page has:
  • a slideshow of final images
  • a prominent value statement to assist creatives in understanding the company's role
  • clear navigation calls to action to guide creatives through through their work.

landing page

  • Creative directors can now see examples of Fathead's past work with a simple grid of images.
  • Creatives can view Fathead's brand collaborations at the bottom of the page.

portfolio of work

Creative professionals can easily browse the Locations portfolio and contact Fathead Productions about specific locations

portfolio of locations

finding a location on mobile

Creative Professionals can also easily browse locations on their phones.
Users can interact with a word cloud listing Fathead's primary services with media production.


Reflection & Next Steps

The Fathead Team and I worked closely together to design each page, and I will continue to work with them to provide updates


Rental Equipment

Fathead plans to expand their business with equipment rentals. I will be working with them to implement a system on renting out there equipment with research backed design.